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Options for Debt Relief for Nonprofit Organizations and Charities

Seek Free Financial Counseling

As a first step, nonprofit leaders can turn to free financial counseling from accredited nonprofit credit counseling agencies. For example, the National Foundation for Credit Counseling (NFCC) offers free consultations through its nationwide network of member agencies.

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Counselors will review the nonprofit’s full financial situation, including income, expenses, assets, liabilities, and more. Many counselors have expertise in nonprofit finance. They can help identify unnecessary expenses to cut and possible sources of additional revenue. Counselors can also advise if the debt load appears too heavy for the nonprofit to handle without relief.

Ask Creditors for Better Terms

If the debt burden seems manageable with some adjustments, the next step may involve negotiating directly with creditors. For example, the nonprofit could ask creditors like banks or vendors to lower interest rates, reduce minimum payments, waive fees, or agree to alternative payment schedules.

Creditors have incentive to help, since forcing a nonprofit into bankruptcy would likely mean they receive little or nothing. Nonprofits should document their financial hardship and inability to pay. They can also highlight the public benefits they provide that creditors indirectly support through their generosity.

Set Up Debt Management Plans

After thorough review, the counseling agency may recommend enrolling in a debt management plan (DMP). DMPs are commonly used by individuals but also available for nonprofit debt relief.

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In a DMP, the counseling agency works out an agreement with the nonprofit’s creditors. Typically, this involves lowering interest rates and consolidating multiple debts into one monthly payment. The agency distributes payments to creditors and handles administration for a small monthly fee.

On average, nonprofits in a DMP see interest rates reduced from 16% to around 8%. This substantially lowers monthly payments and total interest costs. With consistent payments over 3-5 years, the nonprofit can become debt-free.

Seek Credit Card Relief

Credit cards often carry the highest interest rates and can quickly bury nonprofits in debt. Programs like the Nonprofit Interest Rewards Alliance allow nonprofits to convert credit card balances to low-interest loans.

Rates get cut to around 5%, saving substantial amounts in interest. The loans get repaid over 3-5 years through automatic monthly transfers. This can eliminate credit card debt without damaging nonprofit operations.

Renegotiate Secured Debt Terms

While unsecured debts like credit cards can enter DMPs, secured debts like mortgages and vehicle loans generally require direct negotiation. Nonprofits can seek extended repayment terms, lower payments, waived fees, and reduced interest rates.

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If the lender won’t cooperate, alternatives like refinancing or selling assets to pay off secured loans may be necessary. This removes the debt burden and retains ownership of mission-critical assets.

Restructure or Consolidate Loans

If multiple high-interest loans are dragging down the nonprofit, consolidating them into a single, lower-rate loan can save money. Banks or credit unions may offer nonprofit debt consolidation loans with reasonable terms.

The nonprofit can also consider restructuring debts by extending repayment timelines. This reduces cash flow pressure and prevents default. Nonprofits should consult legal counsel to ensure restructuring agreements are structured appropriately.

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Seek Compromise Settlements

If the nonprofit simply cannot pay all its debts and creditors refuse to negotiate, compromise settlements may be an option. The nonprofit offers creditors a lump-sum payment that’s less than the full amount owed. If creditors accept, the remaining debt gets forgiven.

This provides creditors some recovery rather than risking getting nothing in bankruptcy. However, compromise settlements have tax consequences – the IRS treats forgiven debt as taxable income.

File for Bankruptcy

As a last resort, nonprofits can file for bankruptcy protection like individuals and businesses. This involves liquidating assets and distributing proceeds to creditors per court orders. Remaining debts then get discharged.

Bankruptcy allows a fresh start but can badly damage the nonprofit’s reputation and donor relationships. Alternatives like compromise settlements or restructuring often better preserve the nonprofit’s mission. Consulting qualified legal counsel is essential before pursuing bankruptcy.

Partner with Other Nonprofits

Struggling nonprofits don’t have to go it alone. They can partner with stronger nonprofits in mutually beneficial arrangements. For example, a debt-laden nonprofit could merge with another organization and gain financial stability.

Joint ventures on services or programs can also generate revenue to resolve debts. Or a cash-strapped nonprofit might lease underutilized space to another nonprofit and cover fixed costs. Getting creative with win-win partnerships opens new possibilities.

Seek Relief from Donors and Funders

Donors, foundations, and government agencies want to see their contributions further the nonprofit’s mission, not pay down debts. That’s why they may agree to provide one-time gifts earmarked for debt relief. This quickly wipes balances off the books.

Nonprofits can be transparent about their financial troubles and make a compelling case for debt relief funds. This engages donors in solving the problem so the nonprofit can refocus on community impact.

Launch Special Fundraising Campaigns

On a related note, targeted fundraising campaigns specifically for debt relief allow donors to be part of the solution. Nonprofits can share their financial challenges and how they plan to correct course.

Special events, direct mail appeals, and online fundraising focused on debt relief can rapidly generate funds to eliminate burdensome debts. Many donors will respond when they see their support makes a tangible difference.

Seek Expert Help

If nonprofit leaders feel overwhelmed tackling debt challenges, specialized consultants can help. Experts in nonprofit finance and debt restructuring can assess situations objectively. They identify options, negotiate with creditors, and develop realistic action plans.

While adding costs upfront, their expertise saves time and gets faster results. Grants may even be available to cover consultant fees.

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